Parse to Lua Tips

JSON "objects" and Lua tables have a similar looking structure, but differ in the following ways:


Lua uses an equal sign = as its setter. JSON uses a colon : as its setter. Both use curly braces as "objects":

  local tbl_obj = { username = "Jim", age = 23 }
  //JSON (javascript)
  var json_obj = { "username": "Jim", "age": 23 }

JSON uses quoted strings as key names. This is optional for Lua in most cases, except in the cases of spaces, etc. For example, to send a key name with a space or special character (like $) then you must wrap it in a set of brackets as a quoted string.

For example:

  local t = { username = "Ed", ["key with spaces"] = true }

There are more examples of this in the "Unique Keys" section below.


Arrays in JSON are enclosed in brackets:

  //JSON (javascript)
  var json_arr = [ 'green', 'blue', 'red' ]

In Lua, use a table array instead:

  local tbl_arr = { 'green', 'blue', 'red' }

Unique Keys

If you have a key with uncommon chars, spaces, etc., you must wrap it with brackets and quotes so that it will be converted to JSON properly from Lua.

  --== Nope, even though $gt is a valid Parse key.
  local data_tbl = { $gt = 200 }

  --== Yes! Wrap the value in brackets and quotes.
  local data_tbl = { ["$gt"] = 200 }
  --== Nope.
  local data_tbl = { my awesome color = "Green" }

  --== Yes!
  local data_tbl = { ["my awesome color"] = "Green" }

This is not needed for common keys:

  --== Using common keys
  local data_tbl = { color = "Green", dogs = 3 }

  --== Mixing common and unique
  local data_tbl = { score = { ["$gt"] = 200 } }


In the Parse REST API guide you will see lots of usage examples. You need to do table conversions on the data you will send from Lua. In the examples, the data property is the -d flag, followed by some JSON data.

  # example code
   curl -X POST \
    -d '{"score":1337,"playerName":"Sean Plott","cheatMode":false}' \

This particular data structure (-d) is a simple conversion to Lua:

  local data = { score = 1337, playerName = "Sean Plott", cheatMode = false }

The following ACL structure is a bit more work:

  # example code
  curl -X POST \
    -d '{
          "name": "Moderators",
          "ACL": {
            "*": {
              "read": true
        }' \

Again, from the -d key above, a conversion to Lua land:

  local data = {
    name = "Moderators",
    ACL = {
      ["*"] = {
        read = true

Query data require the same conversion:

  curl -X GET \
    --data-urlencode 'where={"score":{"$gte":1000,"$lte":3000}}' \

From -data-urlencode flag to Lua:

  local query = { score = { ["$gte"] = 1000, ["$lte"] = 3000 } }


You might have noticed that the where= is not part of the query. This parameter is added during request processing.